Sunny Sundays.

February 26, 2012 § 3 Comments

You know those days when absolutely none of your friends are free and even all the members of your family are busy? Last Sunday was one of those. After the initial panic of seeing a dystopian future in which all my future offspring leave me, my friends are off to who knows where, without even a dog for company, etc.etc., I decided to tag along to my parents’ date with some friends, despite the shame of admitting to having absolutely no cool young things to do on a weekend. Like most things in life, however, it turned out better than expected. It turned into an impromptu road trip! There’s nothing quite like a quick getaway to the country to rejuvenate the senses, quiet the weary mind, etc.etc.

The morning started with a trip to the driving range where the adults were given a chance to break out their Tiger Woods and I was given a chance to plug in my bossa and commune with my book, Jane Eyre. In the past quarter, I’ve rarely had a chance to be quiet and keep quiet, let alone read and listen to my iPod. Of course, the cool breeze was a delightful surprise too. I’ve often been sceptical of what people deem “cool” and “cold” here (seeing as there are people who wear boots and scarves in this tropical climate where the average temperature is somewhere around 26 or 27 degrees), however, I was most glad to have been taken by surprise.

On the driving range, getting my bossa on.

If there’s one thing that living away from “home” has taught me, it’s to appreciate the seemingly old and normal things that are just so easy to take for granted. Case in point – the simple marvels of this restaurant (Bag of Beans, for future reference) in this city (that, on researching a bit for this post, I see is claimed to be “probably the most pleasant city in Asia”; kudos on the probably). Everything here is just a little bit different, a little bit cooler, a little bit sweeter than the noise and the grime of Manila.

Everything about this place screamed rustic charm – from the dishes overflowing from the buffet, to the light fixtures, to the surprisingly abundant foliage outside the main dining hall. Here the produce is more crisp, more fresh than the poor things they oftentimes call salad in Manila. Something I’ve been missing from Melbourne for the three months I’ve been away. Here the air is cooler and cleaner, the people a little more relaxed.

Oh veggies...where have you been all my life?

Yes, I made this.:)

Some shots of the place and its really quite charming deta

Here’s to sunny Sundays, to (even just momentary) contentment, to unexpected pockets of happiness found in the ordinary.

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